World Taekwondo withdraws honorary 9th Dan given to Putin

World Taekwondo withdraws honorary 9th Dan given to Putin

World Taekwondo strongly condemns the brutal attacks on innocent lives in Ukraine, which go against the World Taekwondo vision of “Peace is More Precious than Triumph” and the World Taekwondo values of respect and tolerance.

In this regard, World Taekwondo has decided to withdraw the honorary 9th dan black belt conferred to Mr. Vladimir Putin in November 2013.

In solidarity with the International Olympic Committee, no Russian or Belarusian national flags or anthems will be displayed or played at World Taekwondo events. World Taekwondo and the European Taekwondo Union will not organise or recognise Taekwondo events in Russia and Belarus.

World Taekwondo’s thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and we hope for a peaceful and immediate end to this war.

Starting back after COVID-19

For over a year now our school has been closed due to COVID-19 and at the end of June all COVID restrictions by the government are supposed to be lifted allowing us to get back to normality.

We therefore intend to re-open or classes although the training days will have changed from Monday and Tuesday to Tuesday and Friday. We hope that we can run our first class on Tuesday 29th June at the Scout Hall on Two Mile Hill Road, Kingswood 7:30pm start. Beginners and advanced welcome.

Due to the length of time since we last operated we are in essence starting from scratch and hope that you will come along to support us and begin or continue your training path.

Reasons to join our school

COVID Situation Dec 2020

COVID has affected most Martial Arts Schools and sports clubs, Bristol Taekwondo is no exception, venues are not renting out which means we have been closed since March 2020.

As members of the National Governing Body, The British Taekwondo Council who take their guidance from UK Sport and Sport England we have to follow the guidance issued to us, it would be irresponsible on our part not to do so. You may see some clubs who are not part of the National Governing Body who have managed to continue to operate ignoring official guidance but this is a risk and responsibility they take upon themselves.

We have been in several lockdowns and being in South Gloucestershire on the border of Bristol remain in Tier 3 which is the highest level with maximum restrictions so unfortunately remain closed until things change and venues begin opening up. We will not risk the wellbeing and lives of our members, their families and friends bringing ourselves or the National Governing Body into disrepute by ignoring or flouting official guidance and ask you all to bear with us in this historic period.

Please keep your practice up at home and stay safe. When this pandemic is past we look forward to the return of all our students and in coming back stronger.

CORONAVIRUS: Latest government guidance and advice

British Taekwondo Council (BTC) would point members to the Government’s advice to contain the possible spread of the coronavirus.

Many Taekwondo students, parents, club instructors and officials will have questions about general participation, the running of training sessions, competitions and events and combating the spread of the virus.

The Taekwondo etiquette of shaking hands when greeting or thanking instructors and fellow students may be suspended at this time. BTC will update members when the situation changes.

The latest information issued by the government, detailed below, should hopefully answer many of those questions.

Latest government guidance

The following tailored advice for the sports sector has been developed. This advises:

  • There is presently no rationale to close or cancel sporting events, but this may change as the situation evolves, so please keep a close eye on
  • Anyone with flu-symptoms should avoid the risk of spreading their infection, whatever that infection may be, by staying at home and recovering;
  • For those hosting sporting events, whatever the size, attendees and participants should stay up to date on the government’s latest advice on how to avoid catching or spreading the virus, which is here;
  • As the situation progresses advice may follow for the frail, elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions (to be defined) to stay away from gatherings as part of general advice aimed at minimising unnecessary contact with others;
  • For those travelling to sporting events overseas, the Foreign Office’s travel advice should be followed here and travellers should note that apart from the countries and territories named in that advice, the government is not presently advising against travel to anywhere else;
  • For those who offer community and leisure services, such as running a local football team; or running a gym; hand hygiene should be strongly promoted and encouraged and equipment and facilities should be thoroughly cleaned and wiped down as usual following use. The government is planning to publish specific advice on this shortly;
  • There is presently no reason people should stop doing their daily sport and physical activities as they normally would. Government action plan

You can read the government’s action plan here.

Grand Master Chris Davies training and promotion testing in Korea

Grand Master Christopher Davies has just returned from 10 days in Korea where he has been training at the Chungdokwan Summer Seminar in Gangwon-do Goseong-gun on the east coast near the North South border and testing at the Kukkiwon in Seoul. Grand Master Davies holds a Chungdokwan 9th Dan. The final training session with participants from UK, USA, France, Greece, Switzerland and Congo was held at Kukkiwon (World Taekwondo HQ) in Seoul. Temperatures throughout the training were incredibly humid and reached 38 degrees.

Following on from the Chungdokwan course Grand Master Davies completed a 5 hour training session under Grand Master Byoung Ho Lee which was scrutinised throughout by the senior examiner and then tested for his Kukkiwon 8th Dan. There were 10 candidates testing, 2 for 9th Dan, 6 for 8th Dan, 1 for 6th Dan and 1 for 4th Dan.


(Below) Grand Master Davies at the Kukkiwon with grading course instructor, Grand Master Byoung Ho Lee after the test.


(Below) High dan candidates meeting with the Kukkiwon President Oh Hyun Deuk after their 8th and 9th dan test

2018 World Taekwondo Chung Do Kwan Federation Summer Seminar

The World Taekwondo Chung Do Kwan Federation Summer Seminar is being held in Gangwon-do near the Eastern Sea and Seorak Mountain from 2018, July 19th – 23rd. This will entail 3 days of Taekwondo training covering all aspects and a day of sightseeing plus other tourist type activities.


Bristol Taekwondo School instructor Master Chris Davies will be attending the event along with a number of other British masters and instructors. Students are also encouraged to attend if they wish as it is an event for all Chung Do Kwan members world wide. If anyone wishes to attend the seminar please contact Master Chris Davies by email or the telephone number displayed on the main page.

Full details of the course:
Full details of Chung Do Kwan Summer Camp PDF

Instructor was inducted in to the Official Taekwondo Hall of Fame

On September 21st 2017 Bristol Taekwondo School chief instructor Master Christopher Davies received one of the highest recognitions in the world of Taekwondo and was inducted into the Official Taekwondo Hall of Fame along side some of the greatest Maters and Grandmasters in the Art and Sport including former Olympic medalists. Master Davies traveled to New York for the presentation at the New York Hilton.


The following are extracts from the announcement letter that Master Davies received from the Official Taekwondo Hall of Fame.
“As you may be aware recognition by the Official Taekwondo Hall of Fame is the highest honor one can achieve in the martial art / Olympic sport of Taekwondo.”

“In view of your extraordinary Taekwondo background, you are being invited to receive Special Recognition from the Official Taekwondo Hall of Fame®. The historic ceremony will take place on Friday, September 22nd 2017 in New York City, U.S.A.”


Girls and ladies enjoy Bristol Taekwondo

Bristol Taekwondo School is becoming popular with girls and ladies of all ages who regularly attend our Taekwondo classes on Monday and Tuesday in the Kingswood area.  Below are just some of our female participants from our classes.



Ladies & girls:
Why not come along for a free taster session in our fully matted venues with fully qualified instructors.

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